サイトアイコン 株式会社大日電子

About Dainichi Denshi

Dainichi Denshi performs a full range of services for wireless equipment and remote controllers, including everything from design, manufacturing, and sales, to installation and maintenance. Our products are made-to-order to meet the demands of our customers. Dainichi Denshi is engaged in the creation of products, talent, organizations, and the future, and we will continue to propose as well as manufacture high-quality products for our customers.

Equipements de radio du poste central

Radio base station equipment

Radio operation equipment for

Dam telemetry equipment

A view of our factory

Measuring equipment

Our conference room

Corporate Profile

Company Name Dainichi Denshi Co., Ltd

Head Office/ Factory 
12-27, Enoki-cho, Suita-city, Osaka, 564-0053, JAPAN
TEL +81-6-6339-6299
FAX +81-6-6339-6352
Access Map

Established June 1981
Capital Stock 10,000,000 yen
No. of employees 42 Consultants:7 (As of July 2024)
and Executives
Representative Director: Hideo Sugimoto
Managing Director:Tomohito Sugimoto
Director: Keiko Sugimoto
Auditor: Takayuki Yano
Design, manufacture, sale, installation, and maintenance of telecommunications equipment
Design, production, and sale of telecommunications equipment parts
Sale and maintenance of electronic office equipment
ISO certification JMAQA-376
(July 1999)
Main Customers

Railroad companies
Hankyu Corporation
Hanshin Electric Railway Co., Ltd.
Ichibata Electric Railway Co.,Ltd.
Keihan Electric Railway Co., Ltd.
Kinki Nippon Railway Co., Ltd.
Kobe Electric Railway Co.,Ltd.
Kurobe Gorge Railyway Co., Ltd.
Sanyo Electric Railway Co.,Ltd.
Shizuoka Railway Co.,Ltd.
Shonan Monorail Co.,Ltd.
West Japan Railway Company

Electic power companies
Chubu Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Chugoku Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Hokuriku Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Kansai Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Tohoku Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Tokyo Electric Power Co., Ltd.

Manufacturers and the others
Aerospace Research and Development Organization (JAXA)
Hitachi Kokusai Electric Co., Ltd.
Icom Co., Ltd.
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation
Municipality fire departments
NEC Corporation
Panasonic Co., Ltd.
Prefectural Law Enforcements
TOSHIBA Corporation

Others (In alphabetical order)

Taking on the Challenge of Outer Space

In 2009, the Maido-1 micro-satellite was successfully launched. Small- and medium-sized companies in Osaka came together and started this project to revitalize Osaka. Dainichi Denshi was the leader of the project.

Later, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) ordered a “lightning imaging sensor” from us, and it was installed on the Kibo module that is part of the International Space Station (ISS). There, it was able to gather three years of research results.

Exchanges with the Val-d’Oise Department of France

Osaka Prefecture, where Dainichi Denshi is located, recently celebrated 30 years of friendly exchanges with the Val-d’Oise department of France.

In 2013, at the request of Osaka Prefecture, the SOHLA Cooperative for Development of Space was asked to give a lecture to an inspection team from the Val-d’Oise department of France. Following this, Dainichi Denshi began to have exchanges with France, and in 2017, a group of companies from the Val-d’Oise department came to tour our company. After that, we decided to accept interns from the Val-d’Oise department. In recent years, France has become close to Dainichi Denshi, and we hope to continue our exchanges with France.

For questions and inquiries, contact us here

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